Team Member: Chelsea Hunter
Date: February 7, 2013
Cartoonist: N/A
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of Cartoon: Different Childhood Priorities in Different Places
Date: February 7, 2013
Cartoonist: N/A
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of Cartoon: Different Childhood Priorities in Different Places
Number: 1
What action is taking place in the cartoon? On
the left side there is a happy child with a teddy bear in his arms sitting on
his bed in the middle of his neat and tidy room. On the right side there is an
innocent looking, freckle-faced boy sitting in a disorderly room looking down
at the gun he is holding.
What is the context? The context is that here in the U.S. many citizens adamantly believe in the right to bear arms. In many cases that belief has sparked radical demonstrations by gun rights activists. The cartoonist depicts images of a young child hugging a gun to his chest. This shows criticism to the age of a child carrying learning how to use a weapon, but the question remains: how young is too young to educate a child on what to do if they come across a gun?
What is the context? The context is that here in the U.S. many citizens adamantly believe in the right to bear arms. In many cases that belief has sparked radical demonstrations by gun rights activists. The cartoonist depicts images of a young child hugging a gun to his chest. This shows criticism to the age of a child carrying learning how to use a weapon, but the question remains: how young is too young to educate a child on what to do if they come across a gun?
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? This
cartoon is constructed to show that there needs to be limitations on who has
access to guns. The newspaper headline says "6-year-old shoots
6-year-old" and brings attention that many accidental shootings are caused
by guns falling into the wrong hands. While this may be true, the artist has
somewhat distorted the facts. Fundamental human rights listed in our
constitution, such as the right to bear arms, are prohibited to children. Yet,
the artist does a good job of getting the point across.
Team Member
Name: Chelsea
Powell and Paul Christiansen
Publication: The New York Observer
Date: March 3, 2007
Cartoonist: R.J. Matson
U.S. or International: U.S.
Cartoonist: R.J. Matson
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of
Cartoon: Giuliani
and Gun Control
Cartoon Number: 2
What action is taking place in the cartoon? It
shows two men shooting shotguns during hunting season. One of the men doesn't
have control over the gun and is shooting the cap off the other man.
What is the context? The cartoonist shows that even people who think they understand
guns don’t always handle them with more safety than those inexperienced with guns. On a deeper contextual level, Giuliani is shown saying he never "flip-flopped" on the issue of Second Amendment rights even though he supported increased gun control while serving as mayor.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
The men in the cartoon actually are represented as Dick Cheney, vice president during the George W. Bush presidency, and Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York. Cheney accidentally shot a fellow hunter in an infamous hunting excursion in 2006. Here, Giuliani is the victim of the accidental shot.Giuliani was a candidate in the Republican primaries in 2007 and he spoke to members of the NRA to convince them he was the candidate for them. These attempts proved unsuccessful because he was trying to cater to both sides of the gun debate; Giuliani had once supported increased gun control while serving as New York City's mayor but called for less gun control when he began campaigning for the presidential race.
Here, Giuliani is being "accidentally" shot down by Dick Cheney, a strong supporter and member of the NRA. This mock-quote has Giuliani calling for guns to be taken off the street and put into the hands of "responsible Republicans." It's ironic because Cheney had one gun accident before and he was one of the leaders of the Republican Party at the time.
The cartoonist is making fun of Republicans, especially Dick Cheney and Rudy Giuliani. In spite of the Second Amendment rights, Republicans and gun advocates don't necessarily know what they’re doing or what they are talking about. So even though this is an older cartoon, it still applies to what’s going on today because both political parties have different stances on the issue of gun control but neither group really knows or understands what is best for our country.
Here, Giuliani is being "accidentally" shot down by Dick Cheney, a strong supporter and member of the NRA. This mock-quote has Giuliani calling for guns to be taken off the street and put into the hands of "responsible Republicans." It's ironic because Cheney had one gun accident before and he was one of the leaders of the Republican Party at the time.
The cartoonist is making fun of Republicans, especially Dick Cheney and Rudy Giuliani. In spite of the Second Amendment rights, Republicans and gun advocates don't necessarily know what they’re doing or what they are talking about. So even though this is an older cartoon, it still applies to what’s going on today because both political parties have different stances on the issue of gun control but neither group really knows or understands what is best for our country.
Team Member
Name: Chelsea
Publication: The Khaleej Times
Publication: The Khaleej Times
Date: February 8, 2013
Cartoonist: Paresh Nath
U.S. or International: International
Cartoonist: Paresh Nath
U.S. or International: International
Title of
Cartoon: Gun
Culture and Militants
Cartoon Number: 3
What action is taking place in the cartoon? There
is a map of the United States and a person assembling guns with “U.S. Gun
Culture” written on the t-shirt. There are also doors opening on the map and
people receiving firearms.
What is the context? The
context is that the United State may be producing guns and putting them into
the wrong hands.
The Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted a series of sting operations under the code name Fast and Furious. These "gunwalking" operations were intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the U.S. by purposely allowing licensed U.S. firearms dealers to sell guns to illegal buyers. The plan was to track the weapons to Mexican drug cartels and their leaders so that problem could be tackled.
Over time, nearly 2,000 arms were sold to suspected illegal straw purchasers through the program but the ATF didn't follow up and track the weapons to the intended cartel targets. On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed during a firefight between U.S. Border Patrol agents and five suspected illegal immigrants. After the shooting, two semi-automatic weapons were retrieved and traced to a Phoenix gun shop that had been used in the program.
The Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted a series of sting operations under the code name Fast and Furious. These "gunwalking" operations were intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the U.S. by purposely allowing licensed U.S. firearms dealers to sell guns to illegal buyers. The plan was to track the weapons to Mexican drug cartels and their leaders so that problem could be tackled.
Over time, nearly 2,000 arms were sold to suspected illegal straw purchasers through the program but the ATF didn't follow up and track the weapons to the intended cartel targets. On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed during a firefight between U.S. Border Patrol agents and five suspected illegal immigrants. After the shooting, two semi-automatic weapons were retrieved and traced to a Phoenix gun shop that had been used in the program.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
The cartoon is referring to the fact
that U.S. gun culture may be fueling the drug and gang problems south of the
border. In efforts to have more control over guns, we are actually adapting
them to our own gun culture that is heavily saturated with guns and violence. We are basically handing the most violent members of a foreign society more ways to continue being violent, causing more harm than good. People like Brian Terry are caught in the middle and those deaths are likely preventable.
Team Member
Name: Paul
Publication: The Minneapolis Star Tribune
Date: January 16, 2013
Cartoonist: Steve Sack
U.S. or International: U.S.
Cartoonist: Steve Sack
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of
Cartoon: Well
Regulated Gun Rights
Cartoon Number: 4
What action is taking place in the cartoon? In
this cartoon, the cartoonist asks the viewer to “Pick the Well-Regulated
Militia” from two sources. The minute-man carries a single shot muzzle-loading
rifle and the hundreds-of-rounds-per-minute man is shown carrying an automatic
weapon complete with a high-capacity magazine.
What is the context? The
context of the cartoon is in regards to a section of the Second Amendment of
the United States of America. The cartoonist wonders what constitutes a well-regulated militia. This is something that’s been debated by advocates for
and against gun control laws. Advocates for gun control say automatic weapons
aren't needed while those against gun control said it’s “the right of the
people to keep and bear arms” under the constitution.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? The cartoonist plays on his own
beliefs, showing stricter gun control as something that’s needed because many
Americans are arming themselves to the point of excess. The constitution says a
well-regulated militia is necessary to the safety of the United States. The
individual with the assault rifle — one nearly as large as the man is — is not
really regulated because of the capacity in the magazine and the size of the
Team Member Name: Chelsea Hunter
Publication: Tribune Media Services
Date: February 22,
Cartoonist: Chan Lowe
U.S. or International: U.S.
Cartoonist: Chan Lowe
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of
Cartoon: Myths
We Hang Onto Way Longer Than We Should
Cartoon Number: 5
What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon shows two controversial things taken from recent American pop culture. They classify Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend and Lance Armstrong's drug-free success as "myths" the majority of U.S. citizens have come
to believe are true. These two myths were held by the public but now that they have been disprove, it's hard for people to let go.
The third myth presented here is "Guns don't kill people; people kill people." This way of thinking has been used and argued in countless gun debates by gun advocates. The cartoonist shares his opinion here, classifying the gun myth with the previous two ideas proven to be false.
The third myth presented here is "Guns don't kill people; people kill people." This way of thinking has been used and argued in countless gun debates by gun advocates. The cartoonist shares his opinion here, classifying the gun myth with the previous two ideas proven to be false.
What is the context? The
context is that media portrays things a certain way, but Americans can still
choose to believe what they wish even when the truth may be exposed.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? The cartoonist is somewhat inserting
his own beliefs and using other events that happened as a way to portray gun
control. Though the cartoonist is only presenting a half truth in his reference
to guns. While it may be true that guns are the most common weapon used in murders
and accidental killings, it isn't guns themselves that kill the people.
Firearms need people to operate them and if guns were eliminated, there would
still be other weapons and ways to kill people.
Perhaps there's something better to say: "Guns don't kill people, gun culture does."
Perhaps there's something better to say: "Guns don't kill people, gun culture does."
Team Member
Name: Chelsea
Publication: The Denver Post
Publication: The Denver Post
Date: January 13, 2011
Cartoonist: Mike Keefe
U.S. or International: U.S.
Cartoonist: Mike Keefe
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of
Cartoon: N/A
Cartoon Number: 6
What action is taking place in the cartoon? An
NRA lobbyist has his finger on a trigger of a “semi-automatic” gun shaped like the United States House of Representatives, home of Congress.
is the context? Because
the lobbyist has to use Congress to “shoot down” gun
control, the context of this cartoon is that the NRA doesn't take the time to
see the other side of the arguments for those looking to restrict gun laws.
They are only looking to keep the Second Amendment intact and are not
negotiable on the matter. The gun is “semi-automatic” because the NRA is
automatically against anything in favor of gun control. It needs a weapon that can get the job done quickly. The lobbyists say gun control doesn't work and they need Congress to agree in order to make sure it doesn't work.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? The reality behind this cartoon is that
since the beginning of this country’s history we've had the right to bear arms. Congress puts laws into motion and passes bills. But lobbyists for organizations such as the NRA frequently use Congress as a weapon against those who didn't agree with them, shooting down or passing new laws as quickly as possible.
Team Member
Name: McCall
Publication: Tulsa World
Date: February 8, 2013
Cartoonist: Bruce Plante
U.S. or International: U.S.
Cartoonist: Bruce Plante
U.S. or International: U.S.
Title of
Cartoon: Teachers
Packing Heat
Cartoon Number: 7
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A
boy is shown in a classroom dropping a book that makes a loud noise. It then
shows the same boy and his classmates with their arms raised and teachers with
is the context? The
context of the cartoon refers to the NRA and supporters of less gun control who
believe that instead of restricting gun control they can make incidents like
the Newtown shooting less common by arming teachers, making schools a "safer" place. This idea was spearheaded by Texas Republicans soon after the Newtown tragedy.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? The cartoonist has highly exaggerated the result of teachers carrying guns in schools to portray the idea as problematic. Already today, many educators are on edge and very
paranoid with recent shootings. Obviously a commonplace noise wouldn't cause
such a ruckus or be mistaken for a gun going off, but the cartoon highlights
that teachers are already on edge so much that allowing guns in schools could
potentially cause more problems than before.
Team Member Name: Chelsea Hunter
Publication: Cagle Cartoons
Date: January 28, 2013
Cartoonist: Peter Pismestrovic
U.S. or International: International
Cartoonist: Peter Pismestrovic
U.S. or International: International
Title of
Cartoon: Gift
with Love
Cartoon Number: 8
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A
man is giving a baby a pistol wrapped up as a present.
is the context? The
context refers to NRA lobbyists and how the organization is continually saying the rights stated in the Second Amendment apply to everyone and should not be
taken away or changed.
Positive framing of stricter gun control laws.
Framing is supportive of those in favor for increased gun control.
Framing is opposed to those who are against increased gun control laws.
What reality is constructed/framed about stricter gun control
laws? The cartoonist uses heavy
dramatization to show how invalid the NRA’s arguments for gun control are. If
the country were to follow through and pass laws allowing everyone access to
firearms. To do that would be like giving a child a gun which is as dangerous
and ridiculous as smoking a cigar around a newborn child.
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